Saturday, October 30, 2010


I love scraps of material, the 'bits' of quilts leftover. When I'm out of projects to work on (which is never!), I pull out scraps and sew them together. Here's a few leftovers sewn together and waiting for their chance to be made into something special....and while they wait, they hang on my walls to add a bit of color to the sewing room.

This one is unique in that it is ALL handsewn, in the true Japanese style of quilting (I swear, if I followed true Japanese quilting, I'd never pick up a project, the thought of making a queen-size quilt ALL BY HAND!! Not even a thought...

The bits in this one come from a Moda line, and were leftover from a tote-bag I made for my little sister.

Quilting is not my only craze! I cross-stitch whenever I have to be away from the machine...on the train to work, watching TV, sitting in a restaurant and having coffee...I started this project in June, 2010, finished in October. Fabric is Aida 18ct, which is harder to work on, but makes details so much more fine.

Not sure where the bits from this project came from, I think several leftovers thrown into the mix. The diamonds are about 1"x1" total, so the project is small.

These will eventually be made into placemats, the design came from a wonderful little Japanese hexagon pattern book, which I bought on for less than $5, and found selling on Ebay for over $15! Hmmm.... Each placemat has a color theme, I made a blue one which went as a gift to my step-daughter. I plan on a purple, orange, another blue, and maybe a yellow one.

1 comment:

  1. Wow, I was able to click on the shell cross-stitch and see all the tiny stitches! Amazing!!
